Wahida Finlay Hypnotherapy

Dieting, Weight Control and Nutritionists, Hypnotherapists, Psychotherapists, Psychologists and Psychiatrists, Smoking - Helping to Quit, Stress Management

 Stop Smoking Fast, Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss, Depression & Anxiety, Addiction help, Hypnotherapy, low self esteem, weight loss, how to quit smoking, stop smoking, wokingham, reading, berkshire, weight loss hypnotherapy, depression, hypnotherapy in Reading, anxiety, stress

Wahida Finlay Hypnotherapy

14 Cypress Close, Finchampstead, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 3JW  (Show me directions)

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Hypnotherapy in Reading, Wokingham & Marlow

Hypnotherapy & NLP helping with Depression, Anxiety, Low Self Esteem, Weight Loss and Addiction
You can stop smoking in a single session.
We are based in Reading Wokingham and The Marlow Club in Marlow
See website for more information ..Free initial 30 minute consultation

Stop Smoking Fast in Reading

The Successful Stop Smoking Formula that I use works irrespective of how many cigarettes you smoke or for how long you have smoked. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is also built into the session for added effectiveness. After the stop smoking programme you will have:

No withdrawal symptoms
No Cravings
No Weight Gain
No Interest in Smoking
No Fear of Failure
The first hour is getting detailed information about your lifestyle and smoking habits in order for me to fully customise your personalised stop smoking session. This is to ensure that it works in the best way suitable for you. The hypnotherapy part deals with the cravings connected to your smoking habit and changing your associations with smoking. When under hypnosis you are in such a deep powerful state of relaxation that your subconscious is able to accept suggestions to live your new life as a non smoker. These unwanted habits are broken forever as your mind naturally accepts a new way of thinking which leads you to become a non smoker permanently. You will leave your session instantly a non smoker from day1 !! Are you ready?

Allow up to 90 minutes for this session

Hypnotherapy in Marlow at The Marlow Club

£10 off your Hypnotherapy Solution at The Marlow Club for all new Clients in Sept & Oct
Pay full price online and £10 Cash will be given at your appointment (the booking online system does not take discounts)

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss, Depression & Anxiety, Stop Smoking Fast
Book your session now. We offer a 30 minute free consultation

Depression & Anxiety in Reading, Berkshire

Hypnotherapy for Depression & Anxiety
Depression is often a reaction to a distressing or traumatic event. The people and situations who are associated with the traumatic event in our lives are referred to as traumatic triggers.

An example is someone reporting, "I never was depressed before my father (mother, child, spouse, best friend) died." After a loved one passes on, the individual often has to deal with their belongings including their home, or now has to take on their responsibilities. Any of these can become traumatic triggers. If the person or family member who has lost the loved one does not have time to fully grieve the loss, and to process unfinished feelings about the person, depression may set in almost immediately. Other traumatic triggers include losing a job, divorce, or financial reversals such as bankruptcy or home foreclosure.

The following are some of the typical signs of depression that may take over slowly like a fog rolling in on what was previously a sunny day and now is becoming darker with each minute.
Symptom 1 - "Now, I can't get out of bed in the morning. I just don't have the same interest in things that I used to."
Symptom 2 - "I have body pains and I'm worried that I may have (fibromyalgia, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, etc.)."
Symptom 3 - "I can't seem to stop overeating and I gained 40 pounds." Or "I have gone back to drinking, smoking cigarettes or pot, etc."
Symptom 4 - "I'm having trouble sleeping at night and I'm exhausted."
Symptom 5 - "I cry at the drop of a pin, but mostly I feel numb."
You may struggle to relax and switch off your mind
Inability to sleep, thoughts at bedtime or mind chatter
You may experience fears about things that haven't happened yet or situations
Sometimes you turn to food, alcohol or experience a fear or phobia as a result of anxiety
You may experience difficulty breathing or tightness in your chest or inability to fill your lungs or rapid short breaths or dizziness or nausea

Often these symptoms will be treated with drugs prescribed by a doctor. Anti-depressants, sleep medication, and perhaps a diet or stop smoking program will be prescribed. These treatment methods, of course, are aimed at symptom relief but don't get down to treating the underlying cause of the depression.

"Medication treats symptoms. Hypnotherapy treats causes."

Hypnotherapy provides an effective way to access the individual's ability to affect the physical body. Once self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors have been resolved, the individual can begin to use hypnotic suggestibility to improve the body's functioning. Hypnotherapy can be very helpful in correcting patterns of restless sleep, low energy or libido, headaches or chronic pain. And one can use hypnotherapy to increase motivation to exercise and eat properly


Anxiety and Depression is one of my specialist interests and I help a lot of clients overcome anxiety and depression in a matter of a few weeks using cutting edge hypnosis, psychotherapy and other techniques to rapidly change how you feel so you can live a happy and fulfilled life. It is not a plaster to stick on your symptoms to show you how to cope but eliminating the root cause and also eliminate the symptoms of anxiety permanently so you can live a happy life.

Depression and Anxiety Solution Plan - 5 sessions one week apart £450

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Reading, Berkshire

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss and Emotional Eating in Reading
Weight Loss Package
My Sessions are solution focused on the individual as everyone has different reasons for being overweight or over eating. Weight Loss Hypnosis sessions deal with eating issues that can be related to:

Habits - Stress - Emotional Eating - Comfort Eating - Anxiety - Fear - Boredom

Low Self Esteem - Anger - Depression - Loneliness - Sugar Addiction - Grieving

5 Hypnotherapy Sessions 1 week apart specific to your own personal issues
Hypnosis Weight Loss MP3 Recording to listen at home (full Session)
Hypnosis, NLP & EFT used for Permanent Weight Loss
Price £450 payable in advance before your first session

It is not a miracle cure you will need to commit to these sessions consistently and listen to the short recording each day during your Weight Reduction Consultation period. If there are deeper underlying issues occasionally it may take a little longer we can discuss this after our initial consultation. Most clients who commit to the program have lost 1 stone on average before the 3rd week. Most clients however only need 5 sessions to see lasting change to their mindset, behaviour, attitude to food and exercise and you will notice that even after you finish your sessions with me the weight will continue to drop off as you live a healthier happier life. Book your Successful Weight Loss Program Now and Start enjoying a healthy happy life.

I offer an initial 30 minute Complimentary session. PHONE ME now to discuss if I can help you.

Hypnotherapy in Reading & Marlow

Confidential and supportive hypnotherapist offering Stress Management , Anxiety Depression feel better in only a few sessions, low self esteem, Weight Loss Hypnosis and emotional eating, Quit Smoking Fast System the rapid way to quit smoking straight away. 30 mins free consultation or discovery phone call . Call now

Based in Reading, Wokingham , The Marlow Club in Marlow, Buckinghamshire


Wahida Finlay

(Managing Director)

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